Friday, January 13, 2012

Movin Across the Pond

Has it really been over 1 year since my last blog post? I guess you could say life got in the way, but that's no excuse. Suffice it to say that a lot has happened over 1 year ago. I leave 1 month from today to move to London. The main thing that happened over the year was that I fell in love...for the first time :-). And it changed everything. I had my life planned out. I was going to Norway after Thailand for grad school, blah, blah, blah. Needless to say, my plans have changed a bit....I'll catch you up.
So, Thailand was absolutely incredible! It made me feel young and alive. We had so many holidays so we really got to explore the country, see some of the most amazing beaches I've ever seen, meet interesting people, and eat food full of flavor. The only thing that wasn't great was the pay. At least you could get a full delicious meal for $1. My time there flew by. I was only there for 10 months, and a good 2 months was spent on holiday in other towns in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and India.
My boyfriend, Chris, and I got together when he was on his way out of Thailand. He was a fellow teacher and had just finished his contract of 1 year. We met up during our 1 month holiday one night, and found ourselves going up a mountain on a motor bike into the wee hours of the morning...guess you could say the rest is just history. He stayed an extra 8 months with me in Thailand then we went to London to stay with his family for 1 month. We then taught at an English summer camp in Italy. I went home for a grueling 3 months and then Chris came over stateside for 2.5 months. He got to meet all of my friends and family. It was his first time in the states so it was really fun to show him how BIG everything is here. We went to Austin, New Orleans, and Oklahoma. My family absolutely loves him! They were just as sad as I was to see him go. Now, we've been apart for 2 months with 1 month to go before I go over there again. I'll most likely end up nannying. He's working full-time at a bike shop and training for the upcoming Tour de France in July that he and his friends will be doing the day before the actual race. Check out their website at So, more to come of adventures in Europe!! xxx

Monday, August 2, 2010

1 Month Down...9 To Go

Yep, been here 1 month now. I'm not gonna lie. The first 2 weeks were rough! I was super homesick & missed my family & friends so much! But the past 2 weeks have been MUCH better! Especially last weekend! A group of us went to Kohnam, the closest beach to Surat, 1 hour away. It was beautiful! We had a beach party, ate really good food, got burnt, went swimming. Very nice & relaxing! I've me some really cool genuine people. Amy, from England, guess you could call her my bestie here, moved in with Dez & I, so that's been fun! I finally feel like I'm getting settled. Work is another thing though. I just don't feel like I'm that good of a teacher. I'm learning though. I'm not very creative though, and at SE, the teachers are suppose to be creative with our lessons, etc. We don't follow a strict curriculum, so it's up to us. I'm definitely feeling the pressure from that.
But I think it will only get better. We may go to Kohnam again this weekend, and then next weekend is a long one, so a group of us are heading to Krabi. Sweet! Then we only have 1.5 months till we are off ALL of Oct! I just found out that Chad (my friend from Dallas) is going to Singapore &/or Dubai in Oct so I'm totally gonna plan to meet up with him!
Oh yeah, 2 weekends ago I met up with my bro & Nicole in Bangkok! It was SOOO great seeing them! We stayed in Bangkok 3 nights. Every night was a late one. The first night they got in at 2am, so we stayed up till 7am! We had so much to talk about! The sun was actually coming up! Crazy! I haven't done that since....well, my going away party...guess it hasn't been that long. Yikes. My bday is 1 month from last year to have nights like those. So, getting back to Bangkok. We went to a Muay Thai fighting match. Was really cool, even got a little bloody (which I didn't like), had front row seats. Did some shopping on Khao San Road, ate a lot of Thai & non-Thai food (had at least 1 turkish chicken pita sandwich everyday i was there).
My friend from Dallas, Justin, that I worked with at Media Plus is coming to Thailand in a couple of weeks, so I'm really hoping to meet up with him while he's here. Hmmm...that's all I've got for now. About to meet up with some peeps to go swimming before heading in to teach 2 classes. Yesterday & today I've had the mornings off...been soooo nice! Gonna join a gym that has yoga classes this week. So excited about that! Can't wait to get back in to yoga again! I've missed it! And I found a guy that wants to train for a 1/2 or full marathon in Feb that's on Koh Samui! SWEET! Lots of exciting plans! Life is good. Love you! Miss you more!


Saturday, July 10, 2010


So I've been in Thailand a little over a week now. Spent a full 2.5 days of traveling to get here. Good lord, I flew from Dallas to Minneapolis. One of the engines went out so we stayed in MN FOREVER! That meant that I would miss my connection in Tokyo. So Delta ended up putting everyone up in a nice hotel in Tokyo with dinner, breakfast & transportation included. I was just grateful for a real bed! I'm never flying overseas with Delta again. We didn't even have our own TV screen. From Tokyo I went to Bangkok & from there to Surat Thani. My new home. So far it's okay. I'm not overwhelmed by how amazing it is. But it's not bad either. I got in Friday evening & met most of my fellow co-workers. Everyone is really cool & laid back. Slept most of Sat. I'm not usually affected by jetlag, but this time I was! I observed for 2 days & then started teaching on Wed. So my morning classes are at a Catholic school. I'm lucky because I have 2 rooms that have AC! A true luxury in Surat! I teach 3 classes in the morning, 55 2nd graders. Sounds like a lot, but it's easy to manage actually. I have an amazing Thai teacher in the room with me so she handles the discipline. After those classes are finished I head to our private language school called Super English. I teach 2 classes there each day from 4:30pm to 6:30pm. The classes are a lot smaller but more difficult to teach. I think the reason is that the age range is so drastic. My first class ranges from 4-10 years old. And my 2nd one ranges from 8 to 16 years old! So, the challenge is classroom management & how to keep everyone engaged. Still haven't figured it out, but I'm working on it. Also, we don't really have a set curriculum to follow, which is great, but also hard.
I miss everyone back home a lot though. I was having so much fun before I left. I got super close with my friends in Dallas. Stacy just moved back. I get sad when I think of everyone back home hanging out & I'm not there.
So we have a long weekend coming up & I get to see BJ & Nicole! I absolutely can't wait! I'm meeting them in Bangkok. Surat is a really laid back town. I think there's around 200,000 people. All of my coworkers have motorbikes. I've been using a bicycle to get around. I like riding it, but I sweat sooooo much! It's pretty hot & humid here. Feel like I'm always sweating. The food is amazing! And SUPER cheap! My dinner the other night as 80 cents! There's a night market right by our school so a group of us goes every night. They have EVERYTHING! And most meals are usually around $1. I'm hoping to find a yoga studio this week & start doing yoga.
Hmmmm....what else? Not much. I've talked to a lot of people from home this weekend. I haven't really done all that much. I've been watching a lot of 30 Rock, movies, reading. I'm reading The Beach right now. I have a totally different perspective on it since I'm living in Surat. Most of the book takes place around my town! I've been able to go running at a stadium track in the mornings so that's cool. The house I'm living in is very...hmmm...what shall I call it...."modest?" We don't always have running water, it's always cold, lots of ants, found a HUGE scorpion the other day, the occasional roach, etc. My house is like a place you would stay if you were backpacking through asia. So, if you were a little bit high mateniance, it wouldn't fly for you. To live in Surat you gotta be pretty open-minded & laid back.
So, for the next couple of months we have some long weekends. Then we are off ALL of October. Then we have some time off around Xmas. Then we are off ALL March & April & maybe some of May. Then I go home! Not too shabby. Lots of time to travel. Granted we don't get paid, but still. I need to start thinking about where I want to go.
Oh yeah, did I tell you that my dad is engaged??!! I'm so happy for him! Mary Ann is an amazing woman! Congratulations Daddy Bear!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Going, going...

I'm sad. I guess you don't realize how precious something is until it's almost gone. I leave for Thailand in 8 days. It's different this time. Usually when I leave to go abroad, I always get a little sad, but this time it's different. Believe it or not, Dallas actually feels like home to me now. I've got such incredible friends & family here. Maybe it's because we all know that I'm leaving so we've been very intentional about hanging out, making time for each other, etc. But I'm having such a blast here, and I'm surrounded by love. Granted, I guess it's not really reality since I'm not working...I get to play all the time. But still....
So last Friday was my going away party with my friends. Seriously, one of the best nights of my life! It was truly an amazing time! We started off at the W Hotel, sitting out by the rooftop pool. Went back to the room for cocktails and appetizers while getting ready. Then headed down the street to Medina's (Moroccan food). We had about 16 people at dinner. Such a good time! The food was good, but the place was insanely hot. We walked around the area trying to find a place to hang out, but that area was dead. So, Justin talked some guy into taking us in his limo to a bar on McKinney. We hung out there, danced, saw old friends...good times. We then headed back to the hotel for some more rooftop pool time! So, Jordan & I ended up staying up to watch the sunrise! We met some cool people & swam all night. I went to bed at 8:30am & woke up at 10am! Can you believe it??!! I couldn't! The next day I was seriously delirious! We hung out at the pool on Sat. It meant so much to me that people would come so far to hang out one last time in Dallas, all together before I leave! I am truly blessed to have such incredible friends!
Guess what??!! dad is getting married! Crazy! I'm so extremely happy for him! Mary Ann is a true doll! And to think they've known each other since high school! Just goes to show, you never know! We spent an amazing Father's Day together. I love my daddy bear so much.
So don't get me wrong. I'm excited about Thailand. I know the school is top notch. I'm excited for laid back lifestyle, meeting new people, beach hoping, diving, yoga, good food, etc. But I know I'm going to miss my friends/family so much. Tonight it killed me. We had a girls night at Sandi's. I was hanging out with Gavin & Maddox (I'm in love with those boys. They totally make me want to have kids!). Sandi told Gavin, "you know Bertdawg is going away for a long time. You can't forget her. You're going to be a big boy when she gets back...5 years old. You have to remember her." I couldn't speak or I would have bursted out in tears. And Maddox probably won't remember me when I get back. He's only 2 now. Oh my gosh, makes me so sad. Gosh...I dunno...
Sandi gave me the best advice you can give...."just pray about it." What else can you do?
So, I'm going to Austin on Thursday for Christy & JC's wedding Super excited about that. Haven't seen some of these people in years! MP reunion! And I get to see Twatney!
Alrighty...till next time.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Back to Asia...Thailand that is

Yep. I've been job hunting for the past couple of months. I knew I wanted to go back & teach abroad again (until I hopefully start school in Norway in Aug 2011), but I just wasn't sure where. I was hoping to go to the Middle East or even Europe. Since I had spent the past 1.5 years in Asia I didn't really want to go back, wanted to do something different. But I have to say, Asia truly fascinates me! And oh how I miss the food! Plus, for most continents you have to be a certified teacher, and I'm not, so Asia seems to be the best fit for the next 10 months.
So, here's what's in store for me. I'm so excited! For the past 2 months I've applied to SOOO many jobs all over asia. I had never really considered Thailand, even though I love the the country, because they don't pay much. I got spoiled by teaching in Korea. But people don't go teach in Thailand to make money, they go for the experience! And that's exactly what I plan on doing. The school I'm going to be working for is AWESOME! I've had so much contact with the owner, Peter. It seems like such a positive, supportive, organic environment to work in! So I'll be teaching 2nd graders, only 5 teaching hours a day (unless I want to work more). There's so much room to be creative and Peter seems super flexible. He's open for the teachers to try new things in the classroom and most of all make it FUN! So, this will be totally different than my school in korea.

I'll be living in a town called Surat Thani. If you've heard of it, that's because it's a town on the east coast of southern Thailand. People only go there because it's the town you go to to get out to Ko Phanang (Full Moon Party island), Ko Tao, and Ko Samui. So, I could go out to islands any weekend I want! It's not a touristy town at all. Suppose to be super cheap! Meals for under $1!! I've already had contact with my co-teachers and they have nothing but good things to say about the town and school. One even said in all of Thailand, Surat has the best and cheapest food! I'll be living with a couple of teachers so that should be fun. The teachers are from USA, Canada, UK, Australia...good mix! I plan on doing lots of yoga and everyone rides their bike everywhere. I have a 10 month contract, will be finished in April. Oh...I forgot to mention. We have like 2.5-3 months of vacation! SWEET! Plenty of time to travel the region! Although I won't be getting paid much, the money I do make should go a long way.
So, if anyone wants to come visit, you are MORE than welcome! Or, if you want to travel around the region, my vacation times are Feb-April and all of October. I know my bro and his girlfriend, Nicole, are going to come. And Jana even said she wants to come. All you have to pay for is the flight, once you get there, it's SOOOOOO cheap! So think about it!!
So, I'm going to make the most of the rest of my time here. I want to hang out with friends/fam as much as possible. I've really been praying about what to do next. Bri & I even fasted for 2 days. She's going to China and I was trying to decide if I should take the job or not. And God made it clear and I'm so glad I'm going! I'm praying that it will be a time of rest, adventure, productivity, and to build lasting relationships with the people I know. LOVE YOU GUYS!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Pity Party...yuk

Good lord, would you listen to me. When I was laying in bed last night I was thinking about what I blogged about. I'm throwing myself a pity party..."what should I do with my life?"..."feeling lost."...blah blah blah. There are people in the world that have a lot more problems than I do, that are lost, that don't even have options in jobs & locations to live, etc. At least I have loving family & friends, I know who my Savior is, and I have options in jobs, etc. So, sorry about that. It can be so easy to get caught up in yourself and to worry. But that's not what life is about. I should just let God take control. It will all work out much better that way than if I tried to plan it myself. to the ladies retreat!


p.s. I got a Mac! This is coming from my new MacBook! I LOVE IT! I already feel productivity and creativity coming my way!

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Nothing huge to update on. I found out I didn't get that job in NYC...there's still a possibility to work there during the summer, we'll see. I'm going on a ladies retreat this weekend with Sandi's church, should be fun! I'm applying to more teaching jobs abroad. I dunno...I guess I feel a little lost these days. Like, what am I doing with my life? I'm always jumping around. Never staying in 1 place too long. In one way, I love it. But in another, like right now, I'm not sure what the next step is. I'm still hoping to go to school in Norway next year. But what should I do till then? Stay in Texas & nanny? It would be awesome to stay here & spend solid time with family & friends...join a church, get involved. Or, I could go teach abroad again. I've got a couple of schools interested in Thailand & Indonesia. Would be another adventure! But I'm hopeful. I'm trusting that God will send me where I need to go. I just need to be open & listen to Him. And to not put my own desires before His.
Well...more later.